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Dlib is a powerful library used in machine learning, computer vision, and image processing applications. This article will guide you through the process of checking if dlib is installed on your Raspbe …

Updated September 9, 2023

Dlib is a powerful library used in machine learning, computer vision, and image processing applications. This article will guide you through the process of checking if dlib is installed on your Raspberry Pi 4 or any other device with Raspbian OS. It includes instructions for both beginners and experts.

Checking Dlib Installation on Raspberry Pi

Dlib is a powerful library used in machine learning, computer vision, and image processing applications. Before you can use it on your Raspberry Pi or any other device running Raspbian OS, you need to ensure that the library is installed correctly. Follow this step-by-step guide to check if dlib is installed:

For Beginners

Are you new to Raspberry Pi and not sure how to access a terminal? Don’t worry! Here’s a simple guide on checking for dlib installation using the command line interface (CLI).

  1. Press Ctrl+Alt+T or go to the main menu > Accessories > Terminal to open the CLI.
  2. Type pip3 list and press Enter to display a list of installed Python packages.
  3. Scroll through the list to find “dlib”. If it’s present, dlib is installed on your device.
  4. If you don’t see “dlib” in the list, follow the steps below for installing it.

For Experts

If you are comfortable with using the CLI and have experience with Python packages, you can check for dlib installation using a few simple commands:

  1. Open a terminal by typing Ctrl+Alt+T or going to the main menu > Accessories > Terminal.
  2. Type pip3 show dlib and press Enter. This will display information about the package if it’s installed, including the version and location.
  3. If you see an error message like “Package not found”, dlib is not installed on your device. Follow these steps to install it:
    1. Update your system with sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade.
    2. Install dlib using pip3: sudo pip3 install dlib. This will download and install the latest version of dlib from the Python Package Index (PyPI).
  4. Verify that dlib has been installed by running pip3 show dlib again. You should see information about the package, including the version and location.

Now you know how to check if dlib is installed on your Raspberry Pi! If it’s not there, you can easily install it using pip3. Once dlib is installed, you can start using its powerful machine learning and image processing functions in your Python projects.