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A Step-by-Step Guide for Installing Fuze on Raspberry Pi 3

Learn how to install the Fuze programming language environment on your Raspberry Pi 3. …

Updated October 19, 2023

Learn how to install the Fuze programming language environment on your Raspberry Pi 3.

  1. Update Your System

Before installing any new software, it is essential to ensure that your system is up-to-date with the latest packages and updates. To do this, open a terminal window by clicking on the “Terminal” icon in the top menu or pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Type the following command and press enter:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y

This will download any new updates and install them.

  1. Install Dependencies

Fuze requires some dependencies to be installed before it can run properly on your Raspberry Pi 3. Type the following command in the terminal:

sudo apt-get install -y libcanberra-gtk-module:armhf gstreamer1.0-plugins-base:armhf gstreamer1.0-plugins-good:armhf libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev:armhf libgstreamer1.0-dev:armhf mesa-utils:armhf
  1. Download Fuze

Visit the official Fuze website at and click on the “Download” button to download the latest version of the software for Linux ARM. You can also download it directly from here.

  1. Install Fuze

After downloading the .tar.gz file, extract it using the following command in the terminal:

tar -xvzf fuze_VERSION.tar.gz

Replace VERSION with the version number of the downloaded file (e.g., fuze_1.3.48.tar.gz). This will create a directory called “fuze” containing the Fuze files.

  1. Run Fuze

To run Fuze, navigate to the “fuze” directory using the following command:

cd fuze

Then type ./run and press enter to start Fuze. The program will open in a new window.

  1. Start Learning!

Now you are ready to start learning Fuze! There are many tutorials available on the official website that can help you get started with programming concepts like loops, conditionals, variables, and more. Happy coding!

Remember, if you encounter any issues or have questions about installing Fuze on your Raspberry Pi 3, feel free to ask in the comments section below or check out the official Fuze forum for help from other users.