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A step-by-step guide to installing the open-source home automation platform, Home Assistant, on your Raspberry Pi 4. Transform your home into a smart hub for controlling lights, appliances and more. …

Updated August 26, 2023

A step-by-step guide to installing the open-source home automation platform, Home Assistant, on your Raspberry Pi 4. Transform your home into a smart hub for controlling lights, appliances and more.

Home Assistant is an open-source home automation platform that allows you to control various devices around your home through a central interface. With its easy setup and powerful features, it’s the perfect solution for those looking to create a smart home on a budget. In this article, we will walk through the process of installing Home Assistant on Raspberry Pi 4.


  • Raspberry Pi 4 (with power supply and SD card)
  • Micro USB cable
  • Ethernet or WiFi adapter
  • Monitor and keyboard (for initial setup)
  • Internet connection

Step 1: Flash the Image to the SD Card

First, you need to download the Home Assistant Operating System (HassOS) image and flash it onto your SD card. HassOS is a lightweight operating system specifically designed for Home Assistant and includes all the necessary dependencies pre-installed.

  1. Download the latest HassOS image from the official website.
  2. Use an SD card writing tool like Etcher to write the downloaded image onto your SD card.
  3. Insert the SD card into your Raspberry Pi and connect the power, monitor, keyboard, and Ethernet or WiFi adapter.
  4. Boot up your Raspberry Pi by inserting the SD card and connecting it to a power source. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure your WiFi network and other settings.

Step 2: Accessing Home Assistant

After the initial setup is complete, you can access Home Assistant through your web browser by navigating to http://<your_raspberry_pi_ip>:8123, replacing <your_raspberry_pi_ip> with the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. You should see the Home Assistant login screen. The default username is homeassistant and the password can be found in the /config/secrets.yaml file on your SD card.

Step 3: Install Add-ons (Optional)

Home Assistant has a built-in add-on store that allows you to install various components without having to manually configure them. These include MQTT brokers, media players, and more. To access the add-on store:

  1. Click on the “Supervisor” tab in the lower left corner of your Home Assistant interface.
  2. Go to “Add-on Store” and browse for the add-ons you want to install.
  3. Click “Install” next to the add-on you want to add, then click “Start” to run it.

Step 4: Configuring Home Assistant

Home Assistant is highly configurable through its YAML-based configuration files. You can add devices and automations by editing the configuration.yaml file located in the /config folder on your SD card. Here’s a basic example to get you started:

# Example configuration.yaml
  - platform: hue
    host: <your_hue_bridge_ip>
  - alias: Turn on lights when I arrive home
      platform: zone
      entity_id: device_tracker.my_device
      zone: home
      event: enter
      service: light.turn_on
      entity_id: light.living_room

This example adds a Hue light to your configuration and creates an automation that turns on the living room lights when you arrive home. Replace <your_hue_bridge_ip> with the IP address of your Philips Hue bridge and adjust the entity_id values according to your setup.


Congratulations! You’ve successfully installed Home Assistant on your Raspberry Pi 4. With this platform, you can now automate just about every aspect of your home from a single interface. Whether it’s controlling lights, monitoring temperature sensors, or integrating with other smart devices, Home Assistant is the ultimate solution for creating a connected home on a budget.

Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to home automation. Experiment and customize your setup to fit your specific needs and preferences. Happy hacking!