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Updated August 17, 2023

none Title: Connecting to Raspberry Pi Remotely - A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners

Headline: Ever wanted to access your Raspberry Pi from anywhere, anytime? Learn how to connect to it remotely with ease.

Description: A step-by-step guide on how to set up remote access to your Raspberry Pi using SSH and VNC protocols for beginners.


Connecting to a Raspberry Pi remotely can be an excellent way to manage your device from afar, whether you’re at home, work, or on the go. In this article, we will cover how to set up remote access using both SSH and VNC protocols for beginners. We will also discuss some security measures to ensure your Raspberry Pi stays safe when accessed remotely.

Setting Up Remote Access with SSH (Secure Shell)

SSH is a powerful tool that allows users to securely access and control their devices remotely. It’s the most common method used to connect to Raspberry Pi remotely, and it’s built-in by default in most operating systems like macOS, Linux, and Windows 10. Here’s how to set up SSH remote access for your Raspberry Pi:

  1. Make sure you have the IP address of your Raspberry Pi. You can find this by running ifconfig on the command line interface (CLI) or checking your router settings.

  2. Open a terminal window and type the following command, replacing <IP_ADDRESS> with the actual IP address of your Raspberry Pi:

    ssh pi@<IP_ADDRESS>

    By default, the username for Raspbian (the most common operating system for Raspberry Pi) is pi, and the password is raspberry. You will be prompted to enter your password.

  3. If you see a message that says “The authenticity of host can’t be established”, type “yes” to continue connecting. This is normal, as SSH warns about connecting to a new device for the first time.

  4. Once connected, you can run commands on your Raspberry Pi just like you would locally. For example, try running ls to list files in your home directory or uname -a to see system information.

  5. When you’re done, type exit to disconnect from the remote session.

Security Considerations for SSH

While SSH offers a secure way to connect remotely, there are some important security measures you should take:

  • Change the default password for the “pi” user by running passwd. This will require you to enter your current password and then set a new one.
  • Use public key authentication instead of passwords. This involves generating a pair of encryption keys on your local machine (using ssh-keygen) and copying the public key to the Raspberry Pi’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This allows you to connect without entering a password each time.
  • Enable SSH login only for specific IP addresses or networks by editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config. This can help prevent unauthorized access if your Raspberry Pi is connected to a public network like a coffee shop WiFi.
  • Use a firewall like ufw to limit the ports that can be accessed remotely, and consider using a VPN service for additional security.

Setting Up Remote Access with VNC (Virtual Network Computing)

VNC is another option for remote access, especially if you want to view your Raspberry Pi’s graphical user interface (GUI). Here’s how to set up VNC remote access:

  1. Install the x11vnc and tightvncserver packages on your Raspberry Pi by running:

    sudo apt-get install x11vnc tightvncserver
  2. Create a .vnc/xstartup file in your home directory with the following contents:

    xsetroot -solid grey
    xterm &
    exec /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc
  3. Start tightvncserver:

    tightvncserver :1

    This will start a VNC server on display :1. You can change the number to use a different display if needed.

  4. Note the password that is generated when you start the server - you’ll need it to connect remotely.

  5. Open a VNC client on your local machine and enter the IP address of your Raspberry Pi, followed by the display number (e.g., You will be prompted for the password you noted earlier.

Now you should see the graphical interface of your Raspberry Pi on your local machine. You can use it just like you would if you were sitting in front of it.

Security Considerations for VNC

While VNC is useful for remote access, it’s important to be aware of its security implications:

  • Use a VPN or SSH tunnel to encrypt your VNC connection and protect against eavesdropping.
  • Disable the VNC server when not in use by running tightvncserver -kill :1.
  • Set up a strong password for your VNC server and change it regularly.
  • Consider using a tool like ufw to limit access to the VNC port (59000 by default) from specific IP addresses or networks.


Now you know how to connect to your Raspberry Pi remotely using both SSH and VNC. Remember, remote access can be a powerful tool for managing your device, but it also presents security risks. Be sure to take steps to protect your system by using strong passwords, enabling encryption, and limiting access from trusted IP addresses or networks.