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A step-by-step guide for connecting your Raspberry Pi 3 with a camera module and streaming live video feeds using Python and OpenCV.

In this article, we will discuss the process of connecting a camera module to a Raspberry Pi 3, setting it up, and capturing live video streams using Python and OpenCV library for image processing. We …

Updated October 8, 2023

In this article, we will discuss the process of connecting a camera module to a Raspberry Pi 3, setting it up, and capturing live video streams using Python and OpenCV library for image processing. We’ll also demonstrate how to display the captured video feed on the screen.


  • A Raspberry Pi 3 Model B or later (with or without a pre-installed NOOBS)
  • An SD card with at least 8GB storage
  • Micro USB power supply and HDMI cable for connecting to monitor/TV
  • Camera module compatible with the Raspberry Pi (e.g., PiCamera, WebCam, etc.)
  • Basic knowledge of Python programming
  • OpenCV library installed on your Raspberry Pi

Preparing the SD Card

  1. Download and install NOOBS or Raspbian OS on your SD card following official Raspberry Pi documentation:
  2. Once installed, boot up your Raspberry Pi and update it using the command sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade.
  3. Install the required packages for OpenCV by running:
    sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev python3-opencv
  4. Enable camera interface on your Raspberry Pi using the command sudo raspi-config, then select Interfacing Options -> Camera and enable it. Reboot your device to apply changes.

Connecting the Camera Module

Connect the camera module to your Raspberry Pi according to its specifications. For the official PiCamera, follow these steps:

  1. Plug in the ribbon cable connecting the camera board to the mainboard of the Raspberry Pi.
  2. Ensure that the cable is securely in place and that none of the pins are bent or disconnected.
  3. Connect an appropriate power source (either via USB or the 5V pin) to your Raspberry Pi.
  4. If using a WebCam, connect it to your Raspberry Pi’s USB port.

Capturing Video Stream with Python and OpenCV

Create a new Python script and name it Then, add the following code:

import cv2

cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0) # Initialize camera module

while True:
    ret, frame = # Read frames from the camera
    if not ret:

    cv2.imshow('Camera Feed', frame) # Display the captured image

    k = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF # Press 'q' to exit the loop
    if k == ord('q'):

cap.release() # Release camera resources
cv2.destroyAllWindows() # Close all windows and exit

Save the script and run it on your Raspberry Pi using the command python3 This will open a window with the live video feed from your camera module. Press ‘q’ to exit the loop and close the program.


In this article, we have discussed how to connect a camera module to a Raspberry Pi 3 and stream live video feeds using Python and OpenCV library for image processing. With a few lines of code, you can now capture and display video streams on your device’s screen. Explore more features of OpenCV to build advanced applications for computer vision, such as object detection, facial recognition, and motion tracking.