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Enable Voice Control for Your Smart Home with Amazon Alexa and Raspberry Pi

A step-by-step guide on how to connect Amazon Alexa to your Raspberry Pi and bring voice control to your smart home. …

Updated August 21, 2023

A step-by-step guide on how to connect Amazon Alexa to your Raspberry Pi and bring voice control to your smart home. Amazon Alexa is one of the most popular virtual assistants available today, and Raspberry Pi is a powerful single-board computer that can be used for various projects and applications. Combining these two technologies allows you to create a smart home system with voice control capabilities. In this article, we will explore how to connect Amazon Alexa to your Raspberry Pi and use it as a personal assistant in your home.


To follow along with this guide, make sure you have the following items:

  • A Raspberry Pi 3 or higher (we recommend the Raspberry Pi 4 for better performance)
  • An Amazon Echo device (Echo Dot, Echo Show, etc.)
  • MicroSD card (at least 8GB) with Raspbian Buster Lite installed on it
  • Power adapter and USB cable for your Raspberry Pi
  • Internet connection

Step 1: Set up Raspberry Pi

First, you need to set up your Raspberry Pi by following these steps:

  1. Insert the MicroSD card into your Raspberry Pi and connect it to a monitor, keyboard, and mouse.
  2. Boot up the device and log in using the default username “pi” and password “raspberry”.
  3. Open the terminal and type sudo raspi-config to access the configuration menu.
  4. Go to “Interface Options” and enable SSH, SPI, and I2S. You can exit the configuration menu now.
  5. Update your system by running sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. This will ensure that you have the latest software installed.
  6. Reboot your Raspberry Pi by typing sudo reboot.

Step 2: Set up Amazon AVS (Alexa Voice Service)

The next step is to set up the Alexa Voice Service (AVS) on your Raspberry Pi. This will allow you to connect Alexa to your device and send voice commands. Follow these steps:

  1. Install the required packages by running sudo apt install libav-tools alsa-utils sox python3-pip.
  2. Clone the AVS Sample App repository from GitHub using git clone
  3. Change to the cloned directory by running cd alexa-avs-sample-app.
  4. Install the required Python packages with sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt.
  5. Create an Amazon Developer account and register a new product. This will generate security credentials that you’ll need for the next step.
  6. Open the config file in your favorite text editor using nano src/config.json and add your Client ID, Client Secret, Product ID, and Device Serial Number. Save the changes and exit the editor.
  7. Run the AVS Sample App with ./ and follow the on-screen instructions to link your Echo device.

Step 3: Test the Setup

Your Raspberry Pi should now be connected to Alexa and ready to accept voice commands. Try saying “Alexa” followed by a command, such as “play music” or “what’s the weather like today?”. If everything is set up correctly, Alexa will respond to your requests. You can also use the AVS Sample App web interface to send text-based commands.

Step 4: Enable Remote Access

To access your Raspberry Pi remotely and control it from anywhere, you’ll need to set up SSH tunneling. This will allow you to connect to your Raspberry Pi securely over the internet using an SSH client like PuTTY or the terminal on another device. Follow these steps:

  1. Enable SSH in sudo raspi-config if you haven’t already.
  2. Generate a new SSH key pair on your local machine using ssh-keygen. This will create two files, id_rsa (private key) and (public key).
  3. Copy the public key to your Raspberry Pi by running cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh pi@raspberrypi.local "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys".
  4. Now you can connect to your Raspberry Pi from another device using ssh pi@raspberrypi.local and enter the password “raspberry”. You should be able to access your Raspberry Pi remotely without a password.
  5. To enable remote access for AVS, edit the src/config.json file on your Raspberry Pi and change "access_token_credential_type": "default" to "access_token_credential_type": "implicit". Save the changes and restart the AVS Sample App with ./
  6. You can now access your Raspberry Pi remotely using an SSH client like PuTTY or the terminal on another device, and send voice commands to Alexa.

That’s it! You have successfully connected Amazon Alexa to your Raspberry Pi and set up a smart home system with voice control capabilities. With this setup, you can use your Raspberry Pi as a central hub for various smart devices in your home and control them using your voice.