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Know Your IP Address for Easier Remote Access and Troubleshooting

Learn how to check your raspberry pi ip address, making it easier to connect remotely and troubleshoot network issues. …

Updated September 4, 2023

Learn how to check your raspberry pi ip address, making it easier to connect remotely and troubleshoot network issues.

Method 1: Using the Command Line Interface (CLI)

  1. Connect to your Raspberry Pi via SSH or open a terminal window if you are working on the device locally.
  2. Type the following command and press Enter:
hostname -I

This will display your Raspberry Pi’s IP address(es). If it does not return an IP, proceed to Method 2.

Method 2: Using the Graphical User Interface (GUI)

  1. Connect a monitor, keyboard, and mouse to your Raspberry Pi if you haven’t already.
  2. Open the main menu by clicking on the Raspberry icon in the top-left corner of the screen and selecting “Preferences” > “Raspberry Pi Configuration”.
  3. Navigate to the “Interfaces” tab and ensure that both “Camera” and “SSH” are enabled if you need remote access or troubleshooting via SSH.
  4. Click “OK” to save your changes, then navigate to “Network Options” in the main menu and select “Wi-Fi Settings” or “Ethernet Settings” depending on your connection type.
  5. Note down your IP address from either the “Address” field (for static IP) or the “Method” dropdown (for DHCP).

Method 3: Using nmap Scan

  1. Open a terminal window on your computer (not the Raspberry Pi).
  2. Install nmap if you haven’t already by running:
sudo apt-get install nmap
  1. Scan your local network for devices with the following command, replacing <your_network> with your actual network address (e.g.,
nmap -sP <your_network>/24

This will display a list of IP addresses and their corresponding hostnames on your local network, including your Raspberry Pi’s IP address. Look for the device with “raspberrypi” in its hostname.

Method 4: Using a Network Scanner App There are many network scanner apps available that can help you find devices on your local network and display their IP addresses, such as Fing or Angry IP Scanner. These apps can be installed on your computer or mobile device and provide a user-friendly interface for identifying your Raspberry Pi’s IP address.

Once you have your Raspberry Pi’s IP address, you can use it to connect remotely via SSH, access its web server, or troubleshoot network issues. Remember that the IP address may change if you are using DHCP and reboot your device or router, so keep track of any changes and update your configurations accordingly.