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Connecting a Raspberry Pi to AWS for IoT Applications

A step-by-step guide on how to check if your Raspberry Pi is connected to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and test its connectivity. …

Updated August 18, 2023

A step-by-step guide on how to check if your Raspberry Pi is connected to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) and test its connectivity.

Are you building an Internet of Things (IoT) application with a Raspberry Pi? Do you need to know if your Raspberry Pi is successfully communicating with AWS services? This guide will help you understand how to check the connectivity between your Raspberry Pi and AWS.

Before we begin, make sure that you have set up your Raspberry Pi with all the necessary components and software for connecting it to AWS. If not, refer to our previous article on how to connect a Raspberry Pi to AWS for IoT applications.

  1. Install and Configure the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)

The first step is to install and configure the AWS CLI on your Raspberry Pi. This will allow you to interact with AWS services from the command line. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Open a terminal window on your Raspberry Pi.
  • Install the AWS CLI using pip by typing the following command: sudo pip3 install awscli.
  • Configure the AWS CLI with your credentials. You can use either temporary or permanent credentials (access keys and secret access keys). For more information, refer to this documentation.
  1. Test the Connection Using AWS CLI Commands

Now that you have installed and configured the AWS CLI, let’s test the connection using a few commands. Open your terminal window on the Raspberry Pi and run the following command:

aws sts get-caller-identity

This command will return information about the user or role whose credentials are used to call AWS services. If you see output similar to this, it means that your Raspberry Pi is successfully connected to AWS:

    "UserId": "AROAI7ZJGXI43NR6QJE2MV",
    "Account": "123456789012",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::123456789012:assumed-role/YourRoleName/YourSessionName"

If you see an error message or no output, double-check your AWS CLI configuration and make sure that your Raspberry Pi has the necessary permissions to call AWS services.

  1. Test the Connection Using MQTT

If you are using the AWS IoT Core service for MQTT communication, follow these steps to test the connection:

  • Install the awscli and pip3 packages if you haven’t already.
  • Install the Paho MQTT package by running the following command: sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt.
  • Create a Python script (e.g., with the following code:
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):
    print("Connected to AWS IoT Core with result code " + str(rc))

client = mqtt.Client()
client.on_connect = on_connect
client.tls_set('certificates/your-certificate.pem.crt', 'certificates/your-private.pem.key')
client.connect('', 8883, 60)

Replace your-certificate.pem.crt, your-private.pem.key, and your-iot-endpoint with the appropriate values for your AWS IoT Core configuration.

  • Run the script using Python: python3 If successful, you should see a message indicating that the Raspberry Pi has connected to AWS IoT Core.

That’s it! You have now learned how to check if your Raspberry Pi is connected to AWS and tested its connectivity using both the AWS CLI and MQTT. If you still encounter issues, make sure to double-check your configuration and permissions on both the Raspberry Pi and AWS side.